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What Do We Believe? 

What Do We Believe?

Our Mission...

Our deepest desire at Woodside Church is to be a healthy, growing community of believers who are committed to knowing Jesus intimately and making Him known to others. In fact, our Mission can be summarized in four simple statements:


Know Jesus

Knowing Jesus is very different than knowing about Jesus. Knowing Jesus means we have a relationship with Him.

Love Others

To love like Jesus, we strive to be  mindful about others, connect more deeply, be approachable, bold and full of grace.

Teach Truth

All scripture is breathed out by God, profitable for teaching, reproof, correction and training in righteousness. 2Tim3:16

Make Disciples

Jesus calls us to make disciples, ones who have committed in their hearts and minds to follow Jesus forever! 

Statement of Faith

The purpose of Woodside Church is to glorify God. We seek to glorify God through the public worship of God, preaching of the Scriptures, consistent Christian living by those who knows Christ as Lord and Savior, personal sharing of the gospel and study of the Bible.


We believe that the Bible is God’s Word and is inspired, inerrant and infallible. We believe the Scriptures are “God-breathed” which means they are fully authoritative in and of themselves.


We believe in one true and living God, one in essence, eternally existing in three persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe God is the Creator of all that exists in heaven and in earth. God has all power and is due all glory. All that comes to pass does so at God's decree and will result ultimately in His glory.

Jesus Christ

We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten by God and conceived by the Holy Spirit. We believe in the full deity and humanity of Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His substitutionary and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His personal bodily return in power and glory.

Holy Spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit is divine, eternal and convicts the world of sin, righteousness and judgment. He teaches and enables obedience and spiritual growth in the life of every believer and preserves each believer into eternity.

God's Plan of Redemption

We believe that man was created in the image of God. Man rebelled against His Creator, and fell into sin. As a result, man became spiritually dead, totally unwilling and indeed incapable of seeking after God. God, from eternity past, having foreordained all things, joined a certain people to Christ Jesus, so that He might redeem them from their sin and in so doing bring glory to Himself. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died in the place of this elect people, providing full and complete forgiveness of sins by His death upon the cross of Calvary. No other work can provide for forgiveness of sins, and no addition can be made to the completed and finished work of Christ.


We believe  that God, in His sovereign grace and mercy, regenerates sinful men by the power of the Holy Spirit, not by any action of their own, bringing them to new life. God grants to them the gifts of faith and repentance, which they then exercise by believing in Christ and turning from their sins in love for God. As a result of this faith, based upon the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ, God justifies or makes righteous the one who believes. God’s gift of faith, and the continuing work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the elect, will result in good works. These good works flow from true, saving faith; they are a necessary result of faith, but are not to be considered necessary to the gaining of justification, which is by God’s grace through faith alone, so that no man can boast.

The Church

We believe Jesus Christ established His Church, which is made up of all the elect of God. His Church, as an obedient bride, listens to His Word as found in the Bible. All who believe in Christ are placed in His body, the Church. The Church is to be busy doing the work of evangelism and discipleship, proclaiming the pure, uncompromised Gospel of Christ by teaching the Word of God. The local expressions of the Church are very important, and each believer should be actively involved in such a fellowship. We believe that the ordinances of the Church, given by Christ, are Baptism and the Lord's Supper. Woodside Church follows the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.

The Return of Christ

We believe that Christ is coming again to judge the living and the dead. This promise is found throughout the inspired Scriptures. Until His return, believers are to live lives that bring glory to God through Jesus Christ.


If you have a question about how you can become a Christian, or want help knowing how to live the Christian life, please get in contact with Pastor Mark at


Why I love Woodside >


I love Woodside Church for many reasons. The church family is warm, welcoming and truly care about each other. The messages are biblically based and Pastor Mark uses the Bible as the basis for all of his sermons.


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Sunday Morning Worship at

10:30 AM

Woodside Church
85 West Main St. Amelia, Ohio 45102

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